His teachers are on the far left and in the purple shirt.

His class has a dolphin theme. All the kids are between 11 and 13 months right now.

He has his first cubby (and these dolphins appear to have two heads).

He sits in a regular chair at meal and snack time. Parents send lunches but snacks are provided. I requested that he not be fed anything other than what I send and am including a snack in his bag. The school is kosher so parents are not allowed to mix meat and dairy or include pork or shellfish in the lunches sent from home, and if they purchase treats to share with the class for birthdays or holidays they must be kosher. A list of kosher stores and bakeries was included in the parent handbook. Even at IJG's age, cupcakes and sweets are allowed at celebrations. I've made it clear he is not to have anything I don't send, but I'd like to speak with the director about creating healthier school food policies. All Jewish holidays are observed and letters are sent home to explain the meaning of each holiday and suggested ways to celebrate. We started with Rosh Hashanah. They also have a Challah Club in which your child can bring home challah every Friday.

Here he is this morning ready to leave for his first day. Outfit courtesy auntie S. New shoes courtesy mama and daddy.

As we approached his classroom this morning I could hear several toddlers crying. I was worried they would make IJG more likely to get upset. But, when we arrived, his eyed lit up at the sight of the ROOM FULL OF NEW TOYS and he never looked at me again. I proceeded to put his lunch in the fridge and put other items in his cubby, speak with his teacher, take pictures...and he never looked away from the toys. I left worried that he would realize eventually that I was gone and he was in a new place. When I picked him up his teacher said he never cried and just played all day. I find this crazy, especially since he started crying when I leave him at the old school lately.

And this is how he gets around at school. How freakin cute! This school is part of a community center, so the kids have access to a pool, splash pad, and playground. At this age they use the splash pad but in preschool they use the pool.

Yay! He looks SO CUTE!!! What a fun school!