Thursday, March 8, 2012

Purim 2012

Tuesday afternoon I received an email from IJ's school that they would be celebrating Purim today and that the kids would be dressing up in costumes and having a parade. Last year I took him to school on a Friday to participate in the festivities but he was too young to realize he was one of the few without a costume. This year I did not want him to feel left out. So, Wednesday we went on a mission for a costume (he did not dress up for Halloween). I decided I would look for pajamas and hoped to find a fireman set and would then get a hat from a local restaurant. We went to the 3 kids clothing stores in the village with no luck so then drove over to Old Navy. There seemed to be nothing there either but someone helped me find a paratrooper pajama set in 4T. It's not really my thing and IJ certainly didn't know what it was but it would work, especially when it cost $3.47! When I got home I realized it would go perfectly with his camo boots. He had fun and brought home some hamentashen too.




1 comment:

  1. He is too adorable! You did good on his outfit mom! :)
