Friday, July 8, 2016

IJ's 7th birthday parties

On July 4th we had a small birthday party for IJ and just invited close family and friends. IJ chose what to serve, including a blueberry agua fresca. He even made his own chocolate ganache pie.

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IJ opened his gifts. Both his sister and Ms C were anxious to help him.
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His favorite party guest.
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On IJ's actual birthday we had lunch with his friends from school to make the day special. He had an ice cream despite this picture looking like he missed out on a treat.

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IJ is 7 years old!

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IJ weighs over 48 pounds now and is 3' 10" tall. He is still wearing size 12 shoes. IJ is quite independent now. We still help with brushing his teeth but he can handle the rest of his self care including making breakfast for himself and his sister. He doesn’t always make the best wardrobe choices on his own though. IJ is kind and caring. He doesn’t treat other kids rudely or have any instinct to exclude anyone. He doesn’t take opportunities to make fun of other kids. He has a kind heart. He cares for all living creatures and loves his dogs. He was very upset when one of them was “put to sleep” this year. He’s very gentle and will do anything for his sister despite her frequently being rude or hurting him.

Academically IJ did wonderfully in first grade. He received all As on every report card in each subject. School work is easy for him despite learning in Spanish. He started the school year at a level 8 in his Spanish reading, the same level he finished kindergarten at and he ended at a level 18-20. IJ’s teacher says his Spanish is impressive and better than some native speakers. Despite this, he had an N on each report card for “use of time and materials” because he talked too much and avoided work when he didn’t feel like working. Socially he struggled. He feels he is ignored and picked on. He says kids don’t listen to him and treat him rudely. He had an N on 2 of the 4 report cards for “getting along with peers.” He quit playing soccer at recess because of how the other children act. He didn’t get invited to play dates but we started hosting play dates at the end of the school year to try to improve how he felt socially. This summer we’ve continued to see a few friends from class and a few friends we’ve made in other ways.

IJ started weekly guitar lessons early on during first grade, each Sunday. He has improved dramatically and plays really well. He participated in Fall and Spring soccer again at the YMCA. We continued to coach this year and as the last season was ending I realized it wasn’t benefiting IJ. He was on a team with the kids from his class that don’t respect him and he doesn’t enjoy being coached by his parents. So, we will be moving on to another club next fall.

IJ still loves legos and he plays with them more than any other toys but spends a lot of time in imaginative play with his sister. He absolutely loves to play with her and hates to be alone. He will carry his legos around the house so he can be near someone while he plays. He loves to read and got into novels during 1st grade. He started with Magic Treehouse books reading the few we owned and then getting them from the school library. He tried a few other series from the library and didn’t find anything he wanted to read several of. Then he started on Roald Dahl books and has continued with them this summer. He and I have been reading the Oz series of 14 books which we started in the Fall. I try to read a chapter or so to him every day and we’re both enjoying them. We are on book 7. IJ loves to play outside with his sister and go to the pool. He can swim, but not very efficiently and he will only go short distances before he wants to stand or hold onto something. He also likes creating art and loves to find objects (garbage) and stick them together. He has some spirographs that he’s enjoyed creating art with. IJ loves to cuddle his parents and his sister.

IJ almost made it the entire school year with no absences but with a few weeks left of the school year he got strep throat and had to miss 1 day. He lost 4 more teeth this year for a total of 6. IJ didn’t need quite as much sleep this school year but still went to bed between 7 and 7:30 pm to be up by 6:30 am. This summer he often goes to sleep at 8 or later but continues to wake up early. He still has compulsions and keeps his fingers near his nose while waiting on things.

See last year here.

Pictures from his previous birthdays:

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Saturday, July 2, 2016

June 2016 Pics

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IJ made pizzas and salad for dinner. He chopped the veggies, sauteed toppings and assembled pizzas.
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A visit to the children's museum and ninja turtle crafts we took home to make and wear later.
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IJ and I had a fancy snack during ZJ's last morning of camp.
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Both kids participated in a lego competition at a toy store. IJ made a snow cone shop and ZJ made "Sparkle's Ship Boat."
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Father's Day
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ZJ was given a vintage cabbage patch by her great grandma.
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Both kids had a dentist visit. ZJ let them do a little more this time. Her teeth were each touched by the metal instrument. That was all she'd allow. IJ had a full cleaning.
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The kids rode their bikes to our juice shop while I ran. This was the most Z had ridden yet, 2 miles round trip. We had acai bowls.
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