Tuesday, November 17, 2015

October 2015 Pics

One of the dads brought his guitar to school and Z loved it.  photo Picture3_zpsld7vnhlp.png

ZJ fell asleep in the stroller a couple times after picking up IJ from school. I've had to give her an earlier bed time since school wears her out.
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The kids wore their costumes to IJ's school carnival.
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We are still helping IJ's kindergarten teacher from last year with her class garden. The zinnias we planted in May are still blooming.
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We also went to the carnival at ZJ's school.
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I'm reading the 14 book Oz series to the kids.
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ZJ got her clothes dirty at school one day and I found her with this shirt on. We both thought it was silly.
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One night I checked on the kids and they were both sleeping in the same position.
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The day before Halloween IJ was playing with ZJ and hit his head on the coffee table. It left a deep gash and he had to get a staple in his head at urgent care. He was a super patient as usual.
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Once IJ and NJ got home from urgent care, we put the kids to bed and got ready for the costume party we were attending that night.
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